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We are a company committed to society and to balancing our environmental impact, leaving a better world for future generations.

During the creation of our flexible packaging, we use materials that are sustainable for the environment, addressing current needs while considering future challenges, thereby reducing space, time, and energy during manufacturing.

Under this principle, we implement the 3R model in production, use, and disposal processes.


We implement processes that reduce costs. The use of resources and raw materials is carefully regulated.

Our bags are very strong and durable, allowing the end user to give them a second life. 

We have pelletizers that handle the PET recycling process, creating 100% recycled bags.

Benefits of digital printing

It shortens and optimizes traditional printing processes.

Design and Pre-Press

La planeación es la clave para el consumo eficiente de materiales


Mayor velocidad | Ahorro de recursos | Máxima calidad de imagen

 At Extrupac, it is essential that all production processes align with our principles of social and ecological responsibility.

 By integrating these values into our operations, we can meet the demands of the current market while ensuring a greener and more ethical future for everyone.